
Advice & FAQs for your Orlando courthouse wedding

FAQs about getting married at the Orange County Clerk of Courts

Q. Can anyone get married at the courthouse in Orlando?

Yes! Wherever you’re from in the world, you can get married in Orlando! This page has info for non-Florida residents getting a marriage license.

Q. Can you get your license and get married on the same day?

If you’re a Florida resident, and you can prove you’ve taken a premarital course, you can get your license and get married on the same day. If you haven’t taken the course, there will be a 3 day waiting period between your license and your ceremony. There is no waiting period or course requirement if you’re not from Florida. This page has everything you need to know about it.

Q. What is the ceremony room like at the Orange County courthouse?

The ceremony room at the courthouse is tiny and the ceremony takes 3-5 minutes. The room is a bit dim and this is why we spend more time outside to capture that juicy Florida light.

Q. How many guests can you bring to your courthouse wedding?

Different courthouses have a different number of chairs for guests. You can see a lot of them on this page to pick the one that’s right for you. I know for a fact that the Orlando courthouse will tell you that you can only have 7 guests even though there are 12 chairs. Regardless, they can’t turn your guests away once they show up. The most I’ve seen crammed in that room was 28 people.

Q. Can you have your own officiant at the courthouse? Like if you want someone you know to marry you?

Unfortunately, no. The clerks do the ceremonies.

Q. Can you have your photographer with you in the courthouse?

Yes!I haven’t experienced a Florida courthouse that doesn’t allow photography.

Q. What’s the best time to get married at the courthouse in Orlando?

They take staggered lunch breaks from 11am-2pm and I’ve noticed that this is when they’re the most likely to be running late.

First thing in the morning, leave some extra time to find parking and get through security. This is usually when people are arriving at the courthouse for jury duty or other official business and it can be busy.

Fridays are busy as are dates that land on holidays (Valentine’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, etc). Dates that are like 2-2-22 or 2-3-23 are also busy.

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