
D&D fans elope at the Volusia County Courthouse

Samantha & Ryan are D&D fans who eloped at the Volusia County Courthouse so I brought my dice!

Ok full disclosure…I don’t have my own D&D dice. I do, however, have a son who plays the role of dungeon master like it’s his career and I’ve joined a grand total of one campaign. So I swiped a fist full of his dice (die?) and headed to Deland.

d&d dice with wedding rings balancing on top

While D&D isn’t my thing, I love people who love D&D so I was excited to go on this quest with Ryan & Samantha in Deland. This is my second wedding at the Volusia County Courthouse and I love it there so much. It’s a quirky littleknown area with a brick and teal courthouse. Like many courthouses, there’s an “old courthouse” nearby where we went for some classic “we ran away and got married” photos.

newly married couple dance in front of the fountain at the volusia county courthouse

Across from the old courthouse is a fountain that matches the courthouse with its brick and teal vibe. Such a fun town to run away and get married.

Thank you for having me, Samantha & Ryan!

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